This year, BeMed convened with the youth for an afternoon of awareness-raising organized during the second edition of the Monaco Ocean Week (from 8th to 14th of April 2018).
The objective of this event was to bring
children to realize the magnitude of the problem and to make them think of
simple solutions that one can implement in his or her everyday life.
Five educational workshops were organized:
The Quiz workshop
Children took part in a quiz about the plastic waste problem. Waste production and degradation time, recycling, and impacts on the environment and human health were all addressed
1. And you, do you know how much plastic wastes enter the Ocean?
By putting their hand in an opaque box, children had to guess which waste commonly found on our beaches they had touched. Once identified, they sorted them within the right wastebin.
2. And you, do you know what are the most common plastic wastes found on our beaches?
The «waste degradation time» workshop
The children became aware of the degradation time of wastes entering the Ocean by putting them in order from the most degradable to the least.
3. In your opinion, how many marine turtle generations are needed for a plastic bag to degrade?
Atelier « The “Ocean heroes” workshop
By sharing ideas on what one can do in its everyday life to curb plastic pollution in our Ocean, children were led to identify the three watchwords: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (the three R). They took home their “hero card” on which they had written the three actions they preferred, one for each category.
4. What about you? What did you do for the Ocean today?
The “message in a bottle” workshop
Playing captain Nemo in The Mysterious Island (Jules Verne), children were the bearers of the Ocean. Each message was shared with the rest of the group and dropped in a bottle. All messages were then gathered in a comments book for everyone to read.
5. You too! Send us your message for the Ocean!
On this occasion, the students of the CM1A class of the Fontvielle school shared with us a song on the theme of plastic pollution. Watch the video