Encouraging positive behavior change towards a zero-plastic waste Tinos Island

Encouraging positive behavior change towards a zero-plastic waste Tinos Island

The initiative aims to achieve zero plastic waste in Tinos by promoting the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) among residents, businesses, and visitors, with a focus on waste prevention. Special attention is given to the HORECA sector, which generates significant single-use plastic waste.

Tourism-Related Activities:

  • Launch with an open kick-off event and awareness campaign.
  • Conduct audit visits and one-on-one meetings with HORECA businesses.
  • Select five HORECA businesses as flagships to adopt 3R measures by August 2024, such as offering water in glass bottles and reusable cups.
  • Create and distribute a “3R toolkit for Tinos HORECA businesses” by Spring 2025.
  • Assess the pilots’ feasibility, acceptability, and impact.

Local Community Actions:

  • Conduct workshops in schools, sports arenas, and community groups.
  • Organize three beach cleanups.
  • Install 10 high-capacity separate collection bins to raise awareness about plastic pollution.