Guidebook for Seaside Hotels and Resorts: Reducing Plastic Waste and Protecting the Greek Seas

Guidebook for Seaside Hotels and Resorts: Reducing Plastic Waste and Protecting the Greek Seas

According to the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels, Greece has over 10,000 hotels, many of which are located near or on the coast, contributing to significant plastic waste. Despite laws to eliminate single-use plastics in the hotel industry, enforcement is weak, leading to visible plastic pollution that alarms tourists and locals alike. WWF Greece estimates that 11,500 tons of plastic enter Greek seas annually, with plastic water bottles being a major issue.

The project aims to empower coastal tourism businesses by raising awareness of plastic waste and its impact on their operations. It will provide ideas, resources, and information on reducing or eliminating plastic waste, encouraging businesses to care for their environment. Solutions for hotels and restaurants include returning plastic to suppliers, recycling, upcycling, beach clean-ups, and reducing plastic product consumption. These solutions will be detailed in a guide. The initiative’s marketing and engagement plan will ensure effective implementation and tangible results.