Fashion’s Plastic Paralysis: How Brands Resist Change and Fuel Microplastic Pollution

Author : Changing Market Foundation
Publication year : 2024
Languages : EN
Geographical areas : European Union, Not specified
Keywords : Advocacy & Regulation, Business, Microplastics, Toolkit and technical sheets

International fashion brands are redoubling their efforts to use synthetic fibres – a key contributor to microplastic pollution – while resorting to distraction and delay tactics to protect their fast fashion business model. This report reveals the lack of industry support for meaningful legislation and highlights the urgent need for strong action from regulators, as half-hearted measures will only allow the fast fashion cycle to continue.
Three years after their first survey (Synthetics Anonymous: fashion brands’ addiction to fossil fuels), Changing Market Foundation has produced this report assessing 50 major fashion brands, with a combined market capitalisation of over $1,000 billion1, on their use of synthetics and their policies and strategies to combat microplastic pollution.