Train the Trainer towards the Green Deal – Educational Resources

Author : Nature Trust - FEE Malta
Publication year : 2023
Languages : EN
Geographical areas : European Union, Mediterranean
Keywords : Clean ups, Raising awareness, Single-Use Plastic, Waste management, Workshop training

The educators participating in an ERASMUS+ project mobility Train-the-trainer course on Marine Litter Education provided by MEdIES had various opportunities to learn about marine litter and single use plastics, met various other educators from different countries, students, shared experiences and resources and created new ones. They also had the opportunity to learn about the related EU law on marine litter, design a beach monitoring and cleanup event, use the resource educational pack “Know, feel, Act! to Stop marine Litter”, design related games, do interviews with locals including fishermen, taverna owners, port facilities and local authorities, do role play about making Behavioural Changes in plastic consumption, visit a school, do a beach cleanup and collect related data, watch an underwater cleanup demo. Following the training each educator created related lesson plan and activities which were collated into this resource pack. You will find lesson plans and activities complete with worksheets and resources for various subject for ages ranging from KG 1 to Year 11 plus a professional development session for educators!