Transfer of waste and plastics in aquatic environments

Author : International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO)
Publication year : 2024
Languages : EN
Geographical areas : Not specified
Keywords : Advocacy & Regulation, Microplastics, Plastic leakages, Replicable guidelines and feedback, Science vulgarization, Toolkit and technical sheets, Waste management

The International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) and its partners the French Solid Waste Partnership (FSWP), the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) and the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) have therefore joined forces to produce this handbook.

Its aim is to provide practical advice on managing and combating the transfer of waste and plastics into aquatic environments, based on examples of achievements in different territories and national or cross-border catchment areas around the world. The aim is to take stock of waste and plastic management in relation to waterways and aquatic environments, to characterise and even attempt to quantify waste and plastics and to
measure their impact on aquatic environments. The aim is also to identify the sources of pollution and their points of entry, to understand the fate of discharges into the river system, but also to propose recommendations and solutions, to look at the disposal channels for intercepted waste, and to identify actions to prevent and reduce the transfer of waste and plastics into water.

This handbook is intended for experts concerned with the joint management of waste and water resources, as well as for a wide range of stakeholders interested in these issues: representatives of public authorities, non-governmental stakeholders, river and lake basin managers, as well as water and waste professionals. It is our hope that this handbook will provide decision-support elements for implementing truly operational and effective measures to combat pollution of aquatic environments on land and at sea.
The scope of the handbook covers rivers and lakes and their catchment areas, including the headwaters, mouths, brackish waters and estuaries («From source to sea»), aquatic environments and associated ecosystems, as well as towns and associated stormwater.
The technical scope covers waste and plastics (including micro and nano, see definitions below). Endocrine disrupters and medicines are excluded from this manual.